
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Thank you for your interest in the Children’s Ministry here at Rome Community Bible Church. We are committed to connecting faith and families. It is our desire that our Children’s Ministry be the best possible environment for kids, their parents, and volunteers to become alive in Jesus, find belonging, celebrate together, and do daring things. We are excited to have the opportunity to serve kids and their families!

We believe God cares about kids, so we do too! We take the privilege of working with kids serious. We ensure that we background check all volunteers who work with kids. We also offer training opportunities for our volunteers to increase our capacities for serving kids and parents well. We would love to have you join us at one or more of the opportunities listed below.

Sunday Mornings

Rome Kids

available during our 9:00am & 10:30am services

Rome Kids is a time for kids, 4 years old through 6th grade, to have a Bible lesson, worship songs, and activities prepared just for them. We value this opportunity to serve kids and help point them toward Jesus

When you arrive on Sunday morning for service we will invite you to check your children in at a table in the foyer inside our main building, the Sanctuary. Our goal is to help you and your child feel welcomed and ready to attend Rome Kids. We will be ready to answer any questions you might have.

Kids will stay with parents in the Sanctuary for a time of worship through singing together as a congregation. We will dismiss the kids into the care of a team of leaders who will lead them to our Activity Center building for Rome Kids. Parents will pick their kids up from the Activity Center following the conclusion of the main worship service.

We hope to see you on Sunday!

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